Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3.1.0 - Ulduar Hunter changes

Of course everyone must now be aware of the changes that have come w/ Ulduar 3.1.0

Ulduar 3.1.0 patch notes

Some are subtle and some are stark!

Sniper Training changed from being dependent upon being at 30 yds. range, to now requiring you be stationary for 6 secs anywhere within your range.

Because of that, unless you really, really want to have more range, you can now dump points spent in Hawk Eye and use them elsewhere.

For instance, when using the Elitist Jerks DPS Spreadsheet (all rights and credit given!!) I have seen by virtue of theory crafting that points spent in Go for the Throat give double the DPS as was spent in other talents! One example being Aimed Shot which really only gives you another kiting ability. But if pure PvE DPS is your focus, then dump Aimed Shot!

Here is a sample of my latest SV hybrid tree and glyphs

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